The gison3dmap client for Powerpoint is the easiest way to combine the presentation of image slides, with the projection of geographical information on a 3D map.
Slides will be copied to be shown on a multimedia display previuoslly defined on the gison3dmap client configuration window.
In what concerns projections, they occur in an automatic way, either when a slide is shown (OnShow) or ended (OnEnd), by using gison3dmap commands inserted as notes on that same slide, or manualy, with a button associated with a macro. The buttons will not be shown on the Multimedia Display.
The easiest way to make projections with the gison3dmap client for Powerpoint, is to use text files with embeded gison3dmap commands, that were previoslly created with a GIS client.
Those files, once placed in a folder located where the powerpoint file is, with the same name and with the suffix _cmds, will be automatically converted to Powerpoint macros, with the gison3dmap client function "Create Macros".
Once those macros are associated with slide buttons or with OnEnd or OnShow events, the Powerpoint presentation will be ready to be used in the context of the gison3dmap system.